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Taking Care of the Caregivers Through Respite Care


People are living longer lives than ever before, which is a good thing because it allows loved ones to spend more time together. However, it also means that the number of people living with complex health problems, such as dementia, has increased and that an increasing number of people are required to take on care roles to care for family members or friends.

Fortunately, there is a way to provide your parent or other elderly loved one the care they need while also providing yourself the occasional break you require – respite care.

Respite care, often known as short-stay elder care or senior day care, allows you to do the activities you want and need to do. Whether you’re leaving for jury duty or going on vacation, respite care can provide the trained, compassionate support that your loved one requires.

Whether medical or non-medical, respite care is often provided in the client’s home for as little as a few hours or as long as several days. This service can be offered to the caregiver or the individual in need. Help with shopping, errands, laundry, or hands-on care may provide relief for the caregiver.

Respite care providers can frequently assist caregivers with home tasks, such as recommending ways to simplify personal care in Virginia or remembering medication. They can also provide emotional support to caregivers, “lifting the weight” by just listening and being present.

Are you a caregiver who is tired, stressed, or frustrated? Balance HomeCare Services, Inc. provides helpful, comforting, and welcoming caregivers, ensuring your loved one feels at peace.

Call us today for more information about our respite care or other home care services in Norfolk, Virginia.

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