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Barriers to Good Personal Hygiene in Seniors

Practicing good personal hygiene is crucial to our health. For seniors, however, everyday tasks like bathing become increasingly challenging. Hence, many families turn to home care providers to deliver hands-on care. This reduces the risk of illnesses and improves their overall quality of life.

As a leading provider of home care services in Norfolk, Virginia, we will discuss the common barriers resulting in poor hygiene in older adults:

  • Fear or discomfort
    The bathroom can be an unsafe space for seniors. The slippery flooring, cold water temperature, and poor lighting can make it uncomfortable for seniors. This can lead to anxiety about bathing or using the toilet. To address this, figure out what is causing discomfort or safety issues. Installing grab bars or a shower chair may help address the issue.
  • Weaker senses
    As we age, our sense of sight and smell tends to decline. This may cause seniors to be unaware of stains on their clothes or body odors that may be more visible to them. This can cause them to bathe or change their clothes less frequently than they used to.
  • Impaired mobility
    Impaired mobility is another common reason why a senior may refuse to bathe. An in-home caregiver can deliver compassionate support to assist seniors with poor mobility. This helps prevent falls and increases comfort.

Balance HomeCare Services, Inc. is a home care provider you can rely on to deliver the highest quality care for your loved ones. Among our services, we offer personal care in Virginia to help our clients with their personal hygiene needs. If your loved one needs help with personal hygiene, we are here to see to it that they are clean and organized every single day. Set an appointment with us to learn more.

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